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  Canthem - The Can Anthem Song (Download)  

Music, the universal language that transcends all boundaries has been effectively used to promote the message and theme of Canvironment more effectively. Canthem, the high energy Anthem developed by Kid Skilly from Detroit, Michigan USA is a catchy number that will instantly attract the younger population and also educate them at the same time.


If I can
then you can
then we can make a change
the powers in our hands
don't throw away this chance

we can save the world
we can save the world tonight


Once upon a time not long ago
the boy K Skill recycled the flow
1 can 2 can 3 can 4
so I can you can we can know
the benifits
of doing right
the benifits of recycling
saving the planet
for our future kids
so they can save the planet
for their future kids
we keepin it real
a global movement
you gotta feel
you wouldn't rob and steal
from your family
so why not leave
Mother Earth Green
the way we found her
doubt doubt it
you got the power in your hands
don't throw away tomorrow
recycle if you know you can

If I can
then you can
then we can make a change
the powers in our hands
don't throw away this chance

we can save the world
we can save the world tonight

I know I can do it
you know you can do it
we know we can do what's right

If I can
then you can
then we can make a change
the powers in our hands
don't throw away this chance

we can save the world
we can save the world tonight

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